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Spotted Salamander Egg Mass Count – Sold Out

Tuesday, April 9, 2019—10:30 am - 12:30 pm


Join us for our annual count of the tennis-ball sized jelly egg masses laid by the female salamanders in the red maple swamp just west of Henry Street. Counting these groups of eggs is a more reliable way of estimating the size of a population for these animals, since the animals move at various times of night depending on the temperature and rainfall. We start at the north end of the red maple swamp and slowly wade through, searching for and marking on our data sheets any egg masses that we find.  Water depths vary from a foot to 4 feet but you can bail out if you are getting out of your depth. You are sure to get wet and muddy and have a lot of fun! Training at identifying the egg masses will be provided. It is a unique way to experience nature and learn first hand about these special creatures and their life history.

As of 3/27 this program is sold out. Thank you for your interest!

with Ted Watt and Jeff Mazur, Hitchcock Center Naturalists
Tuesday, April 9, 10:30am – 12:30pm


Tuesday, April 9, 2019
10:30 am - 12:30 pm

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Hitchcock Center for the Environment