Adult Community Programs

Stay tuned for more upcoming winter programs for adults……..

Spring Birding Course with Scott Surner

Sliding Scale $425 / $375 / $325
There is a maximum of 15 people

Yellow Warbler, October MT State Forest, Lee, MA, Berkshire County, by Scott Surner

The Hitchcock Center is announcing its annual Spring Birding Class for the 2025 season. The class will focus on the Identification and migration of birds that regularly occur in New England. It will begin in late February and conclude at the end of May. There will be eight half-day and three full-day trips, plus three Classroom sessions. There will be an optional trip to Maine in June to look for Atlantic Puffins.  

 Spring Birding Class Dates:

 February 22nd. Coastal Trip- All Day. Meet at 5:00 AM at Hitchcock Center. Bring lunch and dress for the weather. Depending on recent reports, we’ll visit either Plum Island or Gloucester. We’ll be looking for wintering sea ducks, Loons, and hopefully an Owl or two.

 March 8th– 7:00 AM-12:00. Local. Lingering winter birds, (Tree Sparrows, Horned Larks, Longspurs) and early migrating waterfowl.

 March 15th– 7:00 AM-12:00. Local. (Hadley/Northampton area) Migrating Waterfowl.

 March 22nd– 7:00 AM-12:00. Local. More waterfowl……

 April 5th—7:00 AM-12:00. Local. We’re looking for early migrating Warblers, Tree Swallows, eastern phoebes, etc.

 April 19th– 7:00 AM-12:00. Local. Westover Airbase- Looking for newly arriving Upland Sandpipers.

 April 26th– 5:00 AM- All Day. Plum Island. Bring Lunch. Waterfowl, Herons, early shorebirds, and Glossy Ibis.

May 3rd – 7:00 AM-12:00. Local- Migrating Warblers and Vireo’s.

 May 10th– 7:00 AM-12:00 Local. Migrating Warblers.

 May 17th– 5:00 AM- Coastal Connecticut. All Day. Bring Lunch. Shorebirds, Warblers, vireos.

 May 31st – 5:30 AM- 12:00. Southwick. Grasshopper Sparrows, Indigo Buntings, Prairie Warblers.

Classroom sessions-

Feb 19 – 6:00 PM -8:00 PM

April 9- 6:00 PM-8:00 PM

April 30- 6:00 PM-8:00 PM

Optional add-on June Trip to Maine- June 20th-22nd:

Sliding Scale $190 /$160 /$130
There is a maximum of 15 people

Leave Friday morning from Hitchcock Center, and bird our way up to Maine. Saturday, Boat trip to Eastern Egg Rock- Atlantic Puffins, Razorbills, Black Guillemot, Common and Arctic Terns, and Common Eiders. Sunday- depart early and bird our way back to Amherst. Arrive late afternoon. Participants will be responsible for their motel rooms, food, and boat tickets. More details to come.

Registration opens January 17th at 9am 

Owl Prowls 

with Dan Ziomek 
Friday, January 3rd, 6:30 – 9pm
or Friday, January 10th, 6:30 – 9pm 
with a bad weather date of Saturday, January 11th. 

Have you been on an owl prowl? It is a very special treat in the heart of winter.  Come seek out the Great-horned owl on a winter (hopefully snowy) night with expert birder Dan Ziomek.  Dress super duper warmly.  For ages 12 and up.  Space is limited; please register now. Sliding Scale:  $20, $30, $40

Nature’s Odyssey- West  – A John Green Slideshow 

Wednesday, January 29, 6pm 

The United States has no shortage of extraordinarily beautiful locations. Our western parks showcase the essence of that beauty.  Some of the areas depicted in this slideshow program are: Denali National Park in Alaska, Glacier National Park in Montana and Mt. Lemon in Coronado National Forest north of Tucson AZ.  Mountains, sand dunes and mammals are highlighted. This will be a feel good visual experience. 


Winter Tracking with Kathryn Dean  

Wednesday, February 5th
9am – 12pm 

Join us and Kathy Dean of Trotting Fox Programs for an invigorating winter morning exploring the tracks and sign that animals have left behind in the woodlands and wetlands of western Massachusetts. We will cover track and sign identification, track patterns and gaits and discuss animal behaviors revealed by their signatures in the snow.  All adults and all levels welcome.

Sliding Scale-  $30, $40, $50  Space is very limited register now. 

Kathy Dean of Trotting Fox  has worked in the field of outdoor education since 1983 as a wilderness guide, rock climbing instructor and teacher of wildlife tracking, bird language and nature awareness. In addition to working with several nature education centers, she offers her own Women’s Wildlife Tracking Intensive, Winter Wildlife Tracking Intensive, custom-tailored nature programs and one-on-one mentoring. Kathy is the author of Abbreviated Field Guide to Mammal Behavior: New England Region.

Building Tours for Classes or Groups 

The Hitchcock Center is the 23rd building in the world and the 4th in Massachusetts to achieve the Certified Living Building designation! The building is designed to model systems in nature- it is net zero energy and water, has composting toilets, and has been made with responsibly sourced non-toxic materials. Find out what makes our building a special teaching tool empowering visitors to ask, “what does sustainability look like in the built environment and in my community?” Using Zoom, we’ll explore the systems and features of the building. Bring your questions so we can learn together. Tours typically last from 1-1.5 hours and have a sliding scale fee of $100-$200.  Please email to schedule a tour.

Cancellation policy

Cancellation policy for Hitchcock’s seasonal programs: You may cancel your registration for any of our programs up to a week prior to the program’s start date to receive a refund minus a 10% administrative fee.  If you cancel within 7 days or less of the program’s start date, we cannot offer a refund unless we are able to fill your spot in the program.

COVID-19 Safety

As per the State of Massachusetts guidelines, if you have symptoms of a respiratory virus, such as a fever, sore throat, cough or a runny or stuffy nose, you should stay home. If you have been exposed to someone with a virus we ask that you please wear a mask and wash hands often to protect others. 

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Hitchcock Center for the Environment