Field Trip Programs: Earth and Space Sciences

Looking for more? Return to: general field trip programs or field trip programs on school grounds.

Inspired by Nature: Engineering and Design

Engineering Design: Modeling Solutions to Real World Problems | , , ,

Program type: Field Trip Programs at Hitchcock Center or Off-site

Grade levels: , , , ,
Cost: per classroom

Students will learn about how natural systems can inform human innovation as they explore the building’s water, waste and energy systems.

Life in a Pond

Life in a Pond | ,

Program type: Field Trip Programs at Hitchcock Center or Off-site

Grade levels: , , ,
Cost: per classroom
with classroom pre-trip: plus travel fee(s)

At the pond, we will collect and observe several varieties of invertebrates that depend on this habitat.

Life of a Tree

Life of a Tree | ,

Program type: Field Trip Programs at Hitchcock Center or Off-site

Grade levels: , , ,
Cost: per classroom

Students will have the opportunity to sharpen their observation skills as they explore life in and around a tree.

Mountains and Valleys: The Geology of the Pioneer Valley

Mountains and Valleys: The Geology of the Pioneer Valley |

Program type: Field Trip Programs at Hitchcock Center or Off-site

Grade levels: , , ,
Cost: per classroom

Students will learn how fascinating geology can be and how the everyday landscape provides intriguing clues to the past.


New! The Schoolyard is an Ecosystem! | ,

Program type: Field Trip Programs on School Grounds

Grade levels: , ,
Cost: per classroom

No matter what your schoolyard looks like, it is a unique ecosystem where plants and animals interact with each other and their environment.


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Hitchcock Center for the Environment